Maybe: A Cheeky Philosophy for Uncertain Times (i.e. Always)

Miri Gindin
2 min readMay 6, 2020
Thanks Magda Ehlers and Pexels ❤

Friends, this is one of those stories that is so universal that I’ve heard at least three cultural groups take credit for it. It’s perfect for children and it’s perfect for grown-growns (shoutout to the Noodle Loaf podcast:)

Maybe, a Farmer’s Tale (thanks Roberto Stampini for this version!)

Once, there was a poor farmer. One year when the weather was fine, his crops grew tall, strong and green.

At the teahouse in the evening his friends and neighbours said how lucky he was. The farmer just nodded and said, “Maybe.”

Before the farmer could harvest his crops, a team of wild horses stampeded down the hills and trampled them.

At the teahouse in the evening his friends and neighbours sympathised with him and said how unlucky he was. The farmer just nodded and said, “Maybe.”

The next day, the farmer’s son managed to rope three of the wild horses. This was equivalent to a year of the farmer’s salary.

At the teahouse in the evening his friends and neighbours said how lucky he was. The farmer just nodded and said, “Maybe.”

The next day when the son was breaking in one of the horses, he fell off and broke his leg.

At the teahouse in the evening his friends and neighbours sympathised with him and said how unlucky he was. The farmer just nodded and said, “Maybe.”

A month later, war broke out. The army came by looking for young men to conscript. They saw the farmer’s son laid up in bed with a broken leg and were unable to send him to war.

At the teahouse in the evening his friends and neighbours said how lucky he was. The farmer just nodded and said, “Maybe.”

It seems there is quite a bit of “Maybe” going on.

Some are upset over many stores being closed. Others will note that they have reduced their consumption of unnecessary purchases. “Maybe.”

Some will say, “Quarantine is horrible!” Others will enjoy the nice things about having time with their family, or creative ways the community has banded together in spite of it all. “Maybe.”

Some will feel frustrated they can’t travel. Others will marvel that air pollution has reduced significantly over the last several weeks due to restricted airplane travel. “Maybe.”

Needless to say there are people who are genuinely suffering due to health issues, personal and financial loss during the pandemic. But for the rest of us who are mostly hanging out and waiting, it’s possible we could benefit from a bit more “Maybe.”



Miri Gindin

Democratizing Yoga & Mindfulness for Kiddos. Writing is nice. Kids are nice. Surprises too.